Dental Prosthesis

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Dental Prosthesis

Prosthodontics Denture or dentistry is another type of dentistry that helps to replace lost teeth. Including fixing fragile or broken teeth, dentures can be divided into many types, including implants / crowns / bridges / removable dentures Or wearing dentures

Dentures start at just 1,500 baht, 500 baht per tooth only

What's Dental Prosthesis?

Dentures are teeth that substitute for lost teeth. Which can be inserted and removed from our mouths Although dentures may take time to get used to And there is no way to feel like natural teeth But nowadays dentures look more natural and comfortable than before Dentures are made especially for each person in the dental laboratory. From our mouth print The dentist will decide what type of denture is right for you.

Details of Prosthodontics

There are 2 types of dentures: both oral and partial. The dentist will choose what type of denture to use. Depends on whether you lose some or all of your teeth Including the consideration of expenses

Full Denture

It is used in patients with no natural teeth left in the mouth. These full-length dentures have a plastic base that is colored like gum tissue to support the denture kit that may be made of plastic or ceramic. When wearing a full-mouth denture, the dentist usually needs to glue the tooth to the gums of the patient.

• Traditional full dentures
Traditional full dentures will be worn after the teeth have been removed and the tissue has recovered. Tissue recovery may take several months. Which may not have teeth at that time

• Instant full dentures
Instant full dentures can be worn immediately after all teeth have been removed, known as Temporary dentures are dentures that are created for a specific purpose and used for a short period of time. Or limited time Or for emergencies only Even though full dentures on the fly will help you to avoid being without teeth. But this type of denture will need to be modified many months after wearing Because the bones that support the teeth change over time and recover. Can loose dentures

Removable Partial denture

For patients who still have one or more upper or lower molars, which, in addition to this type of dentures, are used to fill gaps in the missing teeth, which can also help prevent teeth from changing. Patients can easily insert and remove dentures by simply releasing metal hooks that help secure the denture with the remaining natural teeth. The hooks to be fixed are also made from colored materials like teeth and gums. Which will help blend in with the mouth more It has disadvantages that are fragile and more easily broken than metal hooks.

1. Denture, acrylic base material Lowest price compared to all removable dentures The pink plastic of the denture base is a brittle acrylic and is the same material used to make full-length dentures.

2. Dentures. Metal base material The metal frame will be designed to fit the teeth. Once put on the tooth, it must have good attachment. For stability and retention

3. Dentures with flexible base material (Valplast) The denture base is made from Nylon or vinyl composite has a good resilience in chewing force - can be used instead of metal and pink acrylic materials. In the construction of frames for partial dentures, standard removable

  1. Beauty Will help maintain the shape, appearance, and appearance of the face Because while there are no teeth The face of the patient will change a lot. Feeling shy and doesn’t want to meet anyone.
  3. The wearer will not feel any loss of natural teeth. And will not be observed by close parties, such as people in a neighbor’s house, which is of great psychological benefit.
  5. Patients can contact work And be able to socialize normally.
  7. The muscles of the face will function normally. Because the dentures that are made can mimic the vertical dimensions of the face, as well as prevent wrinkles and response to the cheeks, if the muscles do not have teeth to support for a long time Sometimes it can affect the jaw joints. Which may or may not be associated with pain.
  9. Helps with speaking The wearer felt that the original sound was not changed. Due to wearing dentures immediately after tooth extraction.
  11. Helps to grind and chew, helping to eat delicious food and chew food as before Even if you have to chew food with care in the early stages.
  1. Patients may feel pain or annoyance in the first part of denture wear.
  3. There may be shyness or loss of personality in cases of having to wear removable dentures at an early age. Because it must be disassembled for cleaning after every meal.
  5. It is easily lost if the patient is forgetful. Because sometimes you have to take it and wash it and maybe forget it somewhere There will be a cost to do again.
  7. Dentures may need to be reworked or replaced. Depends on the style of wear Changing a base is making a new denture base while maintaining the teeth. In addition, as we get older Our mouth will change naturally. This change may cause the dentures to become loose. Causing difficulty in chewing food And irritating the gums.
  9. Wearing dentures may make some words more difficult to pronounce.
  11. Dentures may slip while laughing, coughing, or smiling during the first part, because patients may not wear tight due to fear of pain.
  1. The dentist will perform a preliminary assessment of oral health (in the event that there are still teeth left), some may have radiography together. And if found to have periodontitis or tooth decay or additional tooth extraction May have to finish those treatments first.
  3. In the event that the tooth is extracted or dropped The empty tooth socket will be filled with bones to support the teeth. Including the gum tissue around the teeth that will gradually change shape or collapse This process takes approximately 8-12 weeks, when the gums and bones are in a stable state and then followed by a permanent denture procedure.
  5. The mouthpiece for dentures may have to be printed multiple times depending on the type of denture the patient chooses. And take the printed form to the dental laboratory to do the work.
  7. After receiving the specimen from the laboratory, the dentist will appoint the patient to return the specimen to the specimen and fix it in the event that the specimen does not fit properly. Once the fix is ​​complete, the dentures will be put on for return to work.
  9. The dentist will make an appointment for the patient to come back for examination after wearing the tooth. Maybe the next day Or 2-3 days after wearing the tooth To check in the mouth and ask for usage results To revise.
During this denture Patients have to go to the dentist periodically, about once a week, may last for 4-5 weeks, depending on the type of dentures. Until the denture is complete And after wearing the denture, you may have to go back to the dentist for the first month. To adjust or decorate dentures to better fit the mouth
  1. In addition to dentures, they must be clean, and the tissues that support the dentures must also be clean. The remnants of food residues or epithelial membranes around the gum and tongue must be cleaned using a soft brush or soft cloth. Clean together.
  3. Not recommended for patients wearing dentures, use a soft material to strengthen the base of the denture Not recommended to repair and enhance dentures or to fix dentures by themselves as this can damage dentures.
  5. The dentist will give advice regarding the time to insert and remove dentures During the first several days after wearing dentures, the patient may be put in all the time, including while sleeping. Wearing dentures all the time may cause discomfort in the mouth. But it’s the fastest way to see if there are any areas that need further adjustment. And when the dentures have been modified further, they should be removed before going to bed To help the gums to rest It also helps prevent oral fungal infections.
  7. Remove dentures, wash after eating Use water to wash the dentures to remove food stains. And in the meantime, be careful not to let dentures fall out of the palm of your hand or fall to break.  
  8. Handle the dentures carefully and gently Prevent the plastic or hook of the denture from being bent or damaged while removing for cleaning.
  10. Brush to clean dentures at least once a day. Gently clean dentures by dipping or brushing them with detergent or effervescent tablets for cleaning non-corrosive dentures. To help remove food debris and stains Including denture glue that may remain stuck in the teeth.
  12. Hold the dentures overnight. Many dentures need to be kept in a humid place to maintain the shape of the dentures. Therefore, dentures should be immersed in water or soft dentures soaked overnight. However, denture wearers should talk to a dentist about how to properly store or soak dentures. And clean and soak the teeth as instructed by the manufacturer or doctor attached to the denture.
  14. Avoid using corrosive cleaners. And toothpaste that helps whiten teeth or products that contain whitening agents Because it may damage the dentures and become dull. Including using hot water that can cause dentures to warp.
  16. Wash dentures before putting them back into the mouth Especially if the denture is soaked in a solution for soaking the denture Because this infusion solution may contain dangerous chemicals and may have side effects, you may want to vomit. Pain or burning when swallowing.
  18. Be careful of hot and solid foods Avoid foods that are too sticky or hard. Including chewing gum and using toothpicks while wearing dentures.
  20. See a dentist if you feel that your dentures are inelastic or are loose. Because loose dentures can cause pain, irritation, and the risk of infection.

Fixed Dental Prosthesis

When tooth loss occurs The problem that often occurs is the gap between the teeth causing inconvenience in chewing, the double teeth hanging down, the side teeth falling, causing the gap between the teeth until food scraps are stuck etc. The replacement of missing teeth is therefore Necessary to prevent and resolve such problems Wearing teeth with a dental bridge It is another method for fixed and effective replacement teeth. The dental bridge is the 3-4 adjacent crowns. The first and last teeth are the crowns that are attached to the natural teeth in the front and back of the gap by extracting the teeth. There are 1-2 dentures in the middle to replace missing teeth.

Fixed bridges It is the most popular type of dental bridge in dentistry and is made from ceramic or porcelain fused with steel. Crowns are made for both teeth of the missing tooth (primary tooth), with spaces between the two teeth. The types of materials used in making dental bridges
1. Teeth bridges that contain crowns Ceramic and metal teeth Porcelain-fused to Metal (PFM) Bridge Advantages are stronger and more durable than pure ceramic crowns and similar to real tooth color. This type of crowns may require more teeth to be worn than other types of teeth.

2. Teeth Bridge that consists of pure ceramic crowns, All Porcelain Bridge The advantages of tooth color that is as close as possible to true tooth color Therefore suitable for the treatment of front teeth This type of crowns may require more teeth to be worn than other types of teeth.

3. Teeth Bridge that consists of all metal crowns (gold) All Gold Bridge Strong and durable advantages Dental tooth finishing / Disadvantages Not beautiful colors

  1. Replacement of lost teeth
  3. Prevents falling of nearby teeth.
  5. The design looks natural, similar to natural teeth.
  7. Eliminate the hassle of unplugging Is a fixed denture
  9. No surgery is required.
  11. It takes as little as 1-2 weeks for normal teeth to be chewed.
  13. Increase confidence in your smile. And can adjust the personality better Because it doesn’t need to be taken out and cleaned.
  1. It is possible for tooth decay under the bridge of the tooth
  3. The glue or cement used in the bonding may vanish over time.
  5. It is necessary to have regular inspections.
  7. Causing the loss of the dentin of the adjacent teeth to be used as a bridge support
  1. There are many processes and procedures. The treatment time may be 1-2 weeks due to the use of a dental model to the dental bridge. For the right size and fit in treatment.
  3. Dentists inspect teeth and numb anesthetized teeth before bridges
  5. Grinding teeth as a base for the bridge If the base teeth are filled with teeth The fillings will pull out. Because the crowns will be replaced instead.
  7. Note the color, size, shape of the teeth needed to bridge the teeth.
  9. Type the teeth to model And send the model to the lab to make a dental bridge.
  11. Immediately, the doctor will temporarily attach the bridge For use while waiting for the permanent bridge construction.
  13. If the temporary tooth bridge is loose or loose Hurry to make an appointment for the dentist for treatment and correction. And bring the temporary tooth bridge with that piece.
  15. Should take care and clean oral hygiene while installing temporary bridges.
  17. The process of inserting a real tooth bridge The dentist will remove the temporary bridge.
  19. Fixed bridges fixed on the teeth with resin cement. And check and adjust accordingly.
  1. After making the bridge Chewing hard food should be avoided within 24 hours after attaching the dental bridge. Should eat soft food until accustomed to the dental bridge Some patients may experience tooth sensitivity. Which can disappear by itself in no time.
  3. Avoid foods that are too hot or cold. Or acidic Using toothpaste and mouthwash containing fluoride As well as taking painkillers Can help prevent or alleviate sensitive teeth.
  5. Bridges will be more expensive than dentures in general. And most importantly, must be cleaned well Because, as it stuck in our mouth Therefore is harder to clean than removable dentures We therefore have to take good care of our oral hygiene.
  7. Be careful and avoid chewing on solids (such as ice, bones) at the bridge of the teeth
  9. Clean with dental floss at least 1-2 times a day.
  11. See the dentist every 6 months.
  13. Maintenance And prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which is one of the causes of tooth loss.

Ceramic crowns

Ceramic crowns This type of dental crowns have been invented. To meet the needs of patients who want the most beautiful Because using strong ceramic frames instead of metal There are many types, such as Zirconia structure, lithium-disilicate, etc., making it more beautiful and clear like natural teeth. Therefore it has gained a lot of popularity in the latter. At all Deciding whether to have this type of crown or not Must be at the discretion of the dentist Due to this group of crowns Some cases have limitations regarding brittleness and breakage. Therefore, the choice of materials Crown design Including the consideration of choosing to make each tooth is very important. In order to prevent cracking of the crowns if used, there are 2 types of ceramic crowns, depending on the tooth position or the patient’s choice as follows:

1. Porcelain fused to metal

It is an application for crowns to have a natural color that is beautiful. The principle is to use metal frames just like all metal crowns. But the exterior is covered with ceramics This type of crowns have a certain level of strength Can be used to chew food normally But not suitable for patients who like to chew solid

• Pros: Make the image look natural Because the color of the ceramic material is similar to the real tooth color And contains metal Which helps increase strength Is stronger and more durable than dental crowns Use only pure ceramic Therefore suitable for the treatment of molars Which is inside and requires more chewing pressure than the front teeth

• Disadvantages: If there are symptoms of receding gums Dark lines may be seen The area of ​​the tooth that is covered Which is near the gum area Since it is a metal area

2. All Ceramic

This type of crowns are as beautiful as natural teeth. As well as being developed for strength and can be used for both front teeth and back teeth Eliminating the problem of staining on the edge of the gum, so it is very popular nowadays

• Pros: The materials used were as close as possible to the true teeth color. Because the resin and ceramic materials have similar tones to the real tooth color And there are many shades The dentist can choose the color tone to suit the real tooth color. Due to having similar colors to the teeth Therefore suitable for the treatment of front teeth Is a clearly visible area Therefore should not have the color of other metals Does not contain metal Therefore making no metal color in the material used for crowns Adding charm and making the image unchanged The materials used can be plain ceramics or mixed resin. It depends on the discretion of the doctor and the needs of the patient.

• Disadvantages: These types of crowns may require a large amount of tooth grinding. Tooth structure Therefore fasting out a lot as well Therefore making it easy to become infected And is more prone to inflammation than other types of crowns Is more fragile, more easily chipped There may be restrictions in some cases.

  1. Anesthesia is applied to the teeth that will be rotated for crowns
  3. Grinding teeth as a base for crowns
  5. Note the color, size, shape of the teeth needed for crowns
  7. Mouth typing for modeling
  9. Models and details will be sent to the laboratory for crowns
  11. The dentist will temporarily cover the patient for use while waiting for the actual job.
  13. Appointment of patients to return and fix the crowns
  • Helps protect weakened teeth due to fractures, chipping, excessive decay, or root canal treatment And helps to be as strong as before.
  • Helps to protect covered teeth from cavities.
  • Helps to cover unused teeth With crowns that are in the shape and color you want.
  • Helps to maintain the tooth position and performance as before.
  • Helps to repair large cavities Or have original fillings that are too large.
  • Helps restore and maintain the natural occlusion of patients.
  • Help with a beautiful smile.
  1. Because crowns are fixed teeth Cannot be removed for cleaning Maintaining a clean dental crown is very important in order to prevent decay under the crown. And / or gingivitis Which will directly affect the lifetime of the crown.
  3. Patients can easily brush their teeth properly and clean like natural teeth. Which includes also using dental floss to clean the niche of the teeth.
  5. Be careful and avoid chewing solids (such as ice, bones) around the crowns
  7. See the dentist every 6 months.
  9. Some patients may experience sensitive teeth. Which can disappear by itself in no time If severe If you can’t go back, see the dentist.

1. Treatment plan

Oral examination Check the teeth and x-rays. (In some cases, may require 3D X-ray imaging) to assess the health and disease of patients. By taking a history Inquire about drug allergy Detailed congenital disease

2. Do analysis

Plan a pattern for solving fever to be suitable for the problem. Specifically for your teeth and oral cavities, and then proceed with your analyzed treatment plan.

3. Prosthodontics Making

Perform treatment according to the analysis

4. Follow the doctor's advice.

The above procedure is a general treatment plan. The treatment of each patient is different, in which the dentist will give a clear treatment plan according to each case and will make an appointment to see the symptoms and finish.

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